Peter Drucker, the guru of modern management, said, “Because the purpose of the business is to create customers, there are only two basic functions of corporate management. It is marketing and innovation. Marketing and innovation produce results. Everything else is just a cost,” he said. This remark clearly explains the importance of marketing in companies. This is why we have to rush for life and death.

In other words, companies have no choice but to produce products through innovation and then market them to inform consumers and induce consumers to make purchasing choices. If there is no marketing, the product produced cannot be delivered to consumers and ultimately cannot create customers for the purpose of the business. Therefore, without marketing, a company cannot exist. If consumers do not choose a product, the existence of a company itself becomes meaningless.

In order for a company to create customers, it is more effective than when it does not when it establishes a marketing strategy and promotes it throughout the company. In general, marketing strategies refer to activities related to products or brands such as launching new products, maintaining and managing existing products, and finding new market opportunities.

Which is more important in marketing, strategy, or implementation?

Many managers and marketers recognize the importance of marketing. Nevertheless, there are not many cases where they understand the nature and content of marketing properly. “Marketing accounts for 90 percent of strategy and 10 percent of execution,” said Alice and Laura Reese. If the right product, the right name, the right target customer, and the right positioning are combined in time, most marketing programs are supposed to work.” It emphasized the importance of the strategy.

Most companies tend to rate the amount of work, not the importance of the work, because only a small number of people are responsible for marketing strategy (or planning), while there are a large number of people, including salespeople. This can be said to be an optical illusion. Although the number of people in charge of the strategy is small, if the strategy is properly established, many trials and errors that must be experienced in implementation can be prevented in advance, which can lead to results.

What competence should a competent marketer have?

The strategies and business ideas proposed by the marketer should be able to persuade decision-makers, work-related partners, and consumers. Failure to persuade leads to failure in the market, which leads to failure in marketing and management. Persuasion is also absolutely necessary for marketers. At its center is the marketer’s insight.

Therefore, competent marketers should have strategic thinking that can be put into practice by exercising insight based on creative ideas and logical thinking. Marketer insight is absolutely required for marketing success, and marketer insight and strategic thinking are still creating numerous success stories.